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21 Century Tower of Babel

0.3m x 14.78m

Scraped comments from a video in Youtube, interview of female hostage [ Israel vs Hamas ] / Jan.2024

From exhibition Turm (Tower)


Original plan of exhibition was building a 6m tower with iron truss on city and people goes show their works. But Corona canceled it.

3 years later, it moves to boat. Tower on the boat deck. However due to safety reasons, tower became smaller that plan. Even it was installed outside to inside.

Exhibition’s name and concept were still tower. Watching this process, it reminds me of the story : Tower of Babel.

I’m not religious person, but as I heard, in story, God broke the tower and split language from one to several. Then people made more conflict with difficulties in communication.

Now we are in 21 century, which can overcome that limit with development of transportation and internet. But conflicting still goes on. In real world and in internet world. Doesn’t matter in same language or not, same culture or not, same nation or not.

Humans are still building our Tower. Still fighting. And gonna break their things.

Perhaps the Tower wasn’t destroyed by someone else.